
Rabu, 27 April 2011

An Angel's Smile

An Angel’s Smile
Good weather in this afternoon. In that time, I firstly played volley in volley field inside of my housing complex. I lived there just around 6 months, but just now I came together with people who lived in same complex like me. Because I was busy with my own work so I had no time for playing or met and shared with my neighbor. This time was ended of this year and my work was finished, and so I had many time for break from any activities which made me very tired.
Every afternoon around 3 pm, some people have been come together to play volley ball and I was not got opportunity for playing right now. So I sat in bench that made from wood under mango tree for waiting an oppurtinity, this situation was comfortable, because around the bench was a large garden. The wind was blow, and I have no desire to play again because I dissolved in my fantasy about an angel who descended from heaven to meet me and invited me to play with her in above of clouds where no one will be disturbed us. When I was aware that any people were sat in place that I sat, I so shy and smiling alone which made people around me became confused, and they were think that I was crazy. Smiling alone without they knew what things that made me smile. Suddenly someone shocked me, “wooooooiiiiiii faris, what did make you smiling alone?” I was aware that I still on the field, and all people looked in my face. It was enough for made me shy, and which made me shyer that someone talked to other about me. “Ooohh… my god”, I said. What made this it happened.
After the situation could be arranged, suddenly someone was invited me to play volley, I went to field directly. This was attractive match and my team temporary deserved this game and it was made me got more spirit to play. Suddenly, I said,” hmmmm,, there was no girls in this complex” fortunately, no one heard my voice. Maybe I still under influenced my fantasy. And directly I said,” Astaghfirullah…” This game was attractive and suddenly, my eyes looked a beautiful girl who stand in front of bench, her face was so sweet, beautiful and wonderful for me to look. When she walked, she looked like an angel and her body looked graceful, her eyes were so sharp and she looked like my idol, Taylor Swift. When I imaged her so much, suddenly, the ball came to my face strongly and it made me so dizzy.” Arghh.. Crazy ball … make my head so dizzy” in recent time I couldn’t to stand and my foot was so trembling and some people came to me and brought me to the bench. The game has been continued, after several minutes I felt better, this sense came again, want to see her, want to meet her, and there was any sense in my mind about her. It made my heartfelt sensation of pulse of beat up to 260 km/h. And in that time, I felt the first great experience during I lived in this complex.
After this incident, she always in my mind, her smile, her eyes, and her face always were in my heart. Every I tried to forget her; this sense attacked me so strong. I couldn’t say anything about her, restless, worried, despondent, and many sense that happened in my mind, mixed together.
After this match, suddenly, she was stand as though she pulled me with her magnetic field. When our views met in one line, my heart felt so disorganized. I didn’t know what this feeling did. I couldn’t paint to other word. She was looked perfect in my yes. When I saw her, then she looked me back. And then my hearth talked,” beautiful eyes, especially when she is smile, I’m not capable to see her so much” Her smile look like an angel’s smile in my fantasy”.
The sun sets and this was time to back home. I came to her place and I tried to talk with her. But when I saw her eyes again, I was not braved to see as long as possible. My heartfelt sensation of pulse of beat up to 300 km/h when I tried to see her eyes gaze again. And I started this talk bravely, I said,” hi, where do you live?” and she also replied,” in the next block (while smile) …!” Subhanallah, her voice was so soft and melodious. It was made me feel awkward. I didn’t know what I should do. And my mouth couldn’t say anything, till I forgot to ask her name. This was began I met her who was beautiful even looked equal like an angel. In this place my love story began. And during 5 years I lived in that residence, I never felt love. Since I met her, I felt like stupid man. but in that day, I would remembered as special day in my life, the day, the time, the month, and the place.
One day after this, I was back to the field and hope that she would be appeared in same place like yesterday. The purpose of me to come in the field was not to play but to see her again. My heart always asked and answered alone,” What does she come again …? But why she is not come in …” my eyes always saw around the field for search her, my heart asked again,” Where is she?” I must be known her name, her home, or anything about her. I waited so long, so long for waiting my angel. Finally, she was appeared. Finally my angel came. I was very pleased. I said,” I must know her name”. But something made me confused, she came to field not to play but she only had need to meet one the people in the field. I was very confused. But I could see her face was more than enough.
In that day, I was not acquainted with her. I tried to know who the girl was; one of the people in there was known. But I was very reluctant to ask one of this people. And then I asked to teenager beside me,” excuse me… you know who is girl that just come? The teenager answered nerdly,” ooo,, her name is Ema Luthfiyana” “Lotta thanks”, I asked. She answered again,” You’re welcome”. Finally I knew her name although not from her. And then I went home.
When I was imagining her, suddenly the electricity was extinguished, and then I looked for a candle. I put it in my terrace and I sat in a chair in terrace and still imagining her, every time, everywhere I always imagine her. When I sat in terrace of my house, I was losing in thought and I made poetry about her.
An Angel’s Smile
Every afternoon, I always waiting you with worried
Every day you entering my dream
Which make me become worried
Worried because of you still entering my dream
No day without you that I always really miss my angel
Make my heart as though flew out in air and beat rapidly
Your beautiful smile like a smile from an angel
Your beautiful face make my heart beat rapidly
Your heart is softly like an angel
Oh … my angel
I love you, my angel
Love you forever, my angel

This was poetry that firstly I made for a girl, for a girl that I love until now. Although I seldom was made romantic poetry, and I often was made poetry about myself. This was my love started, started from an Angel’s Smile.

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